Flexible CFO Solutions: Elevate Your Financial Management

Our CFO Solutions grow with your business. The Core CFO program provides small entrepreneurs with essential financial guidance and cash flow management. As you grow, the CFO + Plus Solution offers more profound insights into profitability and helps you scale without needing a full-time CFO. 

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The Challenging Road Ahead for the Entrepreneur

Cash Flow Management:

Difficulty in maintaining a stable cash flow, leading to potential liquidity issues.

Budgeting and Financial Planning:

Lack of structured budgeting and financial planning processes, resulting in financial inefficiencies and overspending.

Financial Reporting and Clarity:

Inaccurate or delayed financial reporting, hindering the ability to make informed decisions.

Cost Control and Efficiency:

Difficulty in identifying and reducing unnecessary costs, impacting profitability.

Cash Flow Management:

Difficulty in maintaining a stable cash flow, leading to potential liquidity issues.

Budgeting and Financial Planning:

Lack of structured budgeting and financial planning processes, resulting in financial inefficiencies and overspending.

Financial Reporting and Clarity:

Inaccurate or delayed financial reporting, hindering the ability to make informed decisions.

Cost Control and Efficiency:

Difficulty in identifying and reducing unnecessary costs, impacting profitability.

Overcoming Challenges With a Fractional CFO on the Team

Cash Flow Management:

Implement effective cash flow monitoring and forecasting to ensure sufficient liquidity and optimize working capital.

Budgeting and Financial Planning:

Develop transparent budgeting processes and financial plans to align resources with business goals and control expenses.

Financial Reporting and Clarity:

Provide timely and accurate financial reports with insights that enhance transparency and facilitate strategic decision-making.

Cost Control and Efficiency:

Analyze cost structures to identify inefficiencies and implement cost control measures to improve margins and profitability.

Why Choose Core CFO Solution?

Our Core CFO Solution is perfect for businesses ready to take the next step in financial management, guiding them to confidently navigate today’s dynamic business environment.

Cost-Effective Solution:

Gain access to expert financial advice and insights at a fraction of the cost of a full-time CFO.

Tailored Guidance:

Receive customized strategies that align with your business goals and industry challenges.

Foundational Growth:

Build a solid financial foundation to solve your long-term business aspirations.

What the Solutions Include

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Core CFO Solution

Level 1

$500 + | month

  • Cash Flow Management: Gain the tools and insights to manage your cash flow confidently so you’re prepared for growth, ready to hire, and equipped to handle the unexpected with ease.
  • Current Estimate & Strategic Forecasting: Leverage the power of the 'current estimate' to guide decisions, align with industry best practices, and ensure your business is prepared for growth and resilience in a changing market.
  • Monthly Financial Meetings: Personalized Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A) sessions with your fractional CFO to uncover risks and opportunities, prepare for the unexpected, and find new challenges for growth.
  • Strategic Financial Guidance: Partner with your fractional CFO to develop tailored strategies that drive growth, optimize resources, and position your business to navigate future challenges and opportunities confidently.
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Core CFO + Plus

Level 2

$1500 + | month

  • Core CFO Solutions including: Cash Flow Management, Current Estimates, Strategic Forecasting, + Plus.
  • Budgeting & Long-Range Planning: Benefit from expert analysis to create accurate budgets and forecasts, enabling you to make informed strategic decisions.
  • Product Profitability: Monitor your financial progress with key performance indicators (KPIs) tailored to your business, allowing you to track achievements and identify areas for improvement.
  • Expansion & Growth: Financial planning support for new Products or Services to minimize risks and maximize opportunities.
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Details and Comparison of Our CFO Solutions

Core CFO Solution

Finding the Story Behind Your Financial Results
  • Variances
  • Trends
  • Key Performance Indicators
  • Data Driven Decisions
Cash Flow & Current Estimate
  • Near Term Outlook Risks & Opportunities.
Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
  • Analyzing financial statements and providing insights to Solution strategic decision-making.
  • Conducting variance analysis to understand deviations from financial plans.

Core CFO + Plus

Core CFO Support + Plus
Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
  • Developing financial forecasts, budgets, and projections.
Budgeting & Long-Range Planning
  • Goal Setting for Growth.
  • Staffing Plans & Metrics.
Product Profitability
  • Is there a ‘hole in your bucket’?
  • Pricing for Profit.
  • Data-Driven Risk & Opportunity.
Expansion & Growth
  • New Products or Services.

What You Will Get from Our CFO Solutions

Enhanced Financial Clarity:

Gain access to detailed financial reports and insights that clearly understand your financial health, enabling informed decision-making.

Improved Cash Flow Management:

Benefit from tailored cash flow forecasts and strategies to ensure consistent liquidity, helping you navigate short-term challenges and plan for growth.

Effective Budgeting and Planning:

Develop structured budgets and financial plans that align resources with business objectives, allowing for better expense management and goal achievement.

Cost Efficiency and Profitability:

Receive expert guidance on identifying cost-saving opportunities and improving operational efficiency to enhance profitability and competitive advantage.

Master Your Cash Flow:
A Free Guide to Financial Clarity and Business Growth:

Learn effective cash flow management strategies, risk mitigation, and strategic planning to drive your business to new heights.


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